About Doll Dragons

Doll Dragon orgin
Doll dragons are a very simple yet complex species. Doll dragon are all created from the original doll dragon shiki as she wonders the world coming across dragons who have had horrible deaths or murders giving them a second chance at a life. Most doll dragons never really attack or kill other animals or creatures. Most just live there life were they left off at. But they live a hard life. They like shiki can never be at peace and have to eat or consume large amounts of food. Most like shiki eat high sugar foods and drinks along with high amounts of caffeine. But others consume blood live a vampire or worst case they eat dead or living flesh. Doll dragons can also consume souls and lost spirits if needed.
How a doll dragon is born: So this is a warning doll dragons are made in a horrible way. So if u are shy to horror i advise u to leave this page. Doll dragons are reanimated after either dying horribly or being murdered. Like shiki they live off there hate an pain from life. Thanks to a very old and very mysterious dragon spirit shiki was given a chance at life once more but it came at a price. She would never be aloud to move on or find peace. She can live life just as she once did and even be happy and find love but she can never let go of the pain of her murder. Doll dragon range from three levels of reanimation. There is the weaker level were a doll dragon uses there original body and traps there soul with in there body making it much easier to burn them from the world of the living and there world of the dead. Then theirs doll dragons that have a new body made and have there heart, organ, and skeleton hidden away so they can't be burned while there soul is still tied to there body they have a special crystal made that goes into there new body so they can be able to move and live in there new body. Then there are doll dragons that take a more ghoul or ghost form were there body is hidden away and there soul is no longer tied to it so they can wonder and use other no and living things. They like other doll dragons also have a new body made but there not tied to it so they can have many many bodies and never be burned as long as there original body is never found and burned. These are the highest of doll dragons and tend to live the longest. There is a very rare and higher breed of doll dragon. This one dragon is only born from two breed-able doll dragons. The new born dragon has the ability to be a normal dragon or a doll dragon and in rare cases they can choose to be both a doll dragon and a normal dragon born with a button eye and a normal eye.
Now doll dragon powers: All doll dragons have a power unique to them. The most common power is soul thread. Soul thread allows them to heal themselves and to heal others as well but it takes a toll on the user when they heal others them themselves.
Blood thread: Blood thread is a very dark and powerful ability. Not many can ever use this power and the few that can are always fighting an inner demon. Shiki herself fights her demon at all times. All doll dragons fight a dark part of themselves but those gifted with the darker of powers fight there demon so it doesn't take control and ruin there life. Shiki and frost are the only doll dragons to have this dark gift as of now. But there will be others born with this dark gift.
Demons inside: All doll dragon once reanimated are tied with there inner demon. Most can easily fight away and lock away there demons but shiki has the hardest time fighting her demon. Her demon does take control when shes at her weakest but her demon isn't all that bad. At most times her demon is her only friend and they can get along when both there lives are in danger or when one they both love is in danger. Shiki and frosts demon like frost and shiki are mated and connected.
Mated pairs: Like most creatures in life doll dragons mate for life. Although some relationships don't work the connection still stays with both threw there lives. Doll dragons can find new love but the connection of there mate stays with them for life.
Breeding: None of the common breeds of doll dragon can breed. Only ones who are like shiki can breed. Those who choose there original body have the ability to breed. Doll dragons usually only have one egg but at times they can three eggs. And at times its even most rare when twins are in one egg. New born doll dragons can choose to inherit there parents powers or can live like Normal dragons. At the rarest of times new borns can choose both the power of the doll dragon and there normal lives born with the doll dragon button and a normal eye.